Peppa's Pot Campaign

Welcome, here is a bit about me and my Campaign to help other animals. 

Funds from this campaign are used for animals needing emergency medical/clinical treatment, with a one off donation contributing towards the vets fees.  Here is an insight into how your support has helped, thank you for your generosity.


Peppa is my name but my friends call me Piggie as food is my favourite thing in the world.  I am an Animal Concern Cumbria dog suffering with seizures which can make me very unwell, so I live with a lovely foster family where I am looked after getting the medications and care I need to manage my health conditions.  

Here are some of the many animals we have helped thanks to your generosity. 


Text giving - Text PEPPA to 70085

Cumbria is our primary area of support, other localities are at the discretion of the Trustees.

The Charity is not Government funded, relying on the generosity of donations, legacies and fundraising.  

As a charity we are mindful how donated money is spent and look to help as many animals as possible, thanks to peoples amazing generosity.  We appreciate people find themselves in difficult circumstances and may struggle when an unforeseen medical emergency arises. Our Peppa’s Pot agreement looks to ensure the pet is in overall good health/condition and not being used for breeding, ensuring all animals in the home are spayed/neutered so there are no unwanted/unplanned litters or inbreeding.  

Thank you for helping me and my friends by donating and giving us all a chance for a healthy life.  

Donate to Peppa's Pot Campaign with PayPal